Give for Generations is a philanthropic initiative birthed out of 30 years experience of business succession and estate planning by Deboski & Company. As our clients' businesses grew over those years wealth transition took on new complexities with unresolved questions about what to do with the wealth that was being created . (learn more here)

In response, we designed Give for Generations as a pathway for high net worth individuals to embed philanthropic purpose into a portion of their wealth. It is the weaving together of a planning process along with financial tools and products to create certainty in giving well into the future, even for generations.


Uncover what drives your desire for giving and your unique way of putting philanthropic purpose into your wealth.


Your wealth can have a lasting purpose, impacting the world and people's lives far beyond what you ever thought possible.


Build certainty into your giving to the causes that are important to you.



Gain Understanding

This is where the journey that will last for generations all begins. We will listen for and build upon your motivation for giving and the causes that are important to you. We will ask about your financial picture so we can recommended tailor made solutions. And we will want to know about others who may be part of your philanthropic endeavours.

Identify Strategies

Our next step is to map out strategies that include a variety of philanthropic planning tools and financial products. We will explain each of these strategies in full detail so you can decide if they have the right fit for you.

Visualize Impact 

Based on the outcome of the previous two steps, together we will create intended impact statements that clearly align with the causes and injustices you strive to see advances in. These will act as markers to guide your giving decisions both now and in the future.

Execute Decisions

Now it's time to move forward with the tools and strategies that are best suited to your unique circumstances. We will stay with you right through to completion, until all the pieces are in place and you can confidently move forward with a more strategic approach to your philanthropy.


Give for Generations is a philanthropic initiative designed to benefit both individuals and charitable organizations. Whether you are someone wanting to be more intentional in your philanthropic objectives or part of a lead team at a charitable organization responsible for donor development, the GIVE Process can help you move forward in achieving your goals.

Personal Philanthropic Planning
  • Do you have a passion for supporting causes that are important to you both now and in the future?
  • Do you find yourself wondering how your personal and corporate wealth can have a greater impact?
  • Are you struggling with finding the right balance between leaving wealth to family members or to causes that you embrace?
  • Could it be that some of your wealth will be wasted unnecessarily if you don't change what you are doing?

Give for Generations was designed for you.

Charitable Organization Support
  • Are you either solely or along with others responsible for donor development of a charitable organization?
  • Does your development strategy include relationship building with your major donors?
  • Is developing consistent, long-term funding support part of your strategy?

Give for Generations can help you create additional immediate funding as well as long-term sustainable funding.


Do you ever get bogged down with issues about giving and not sure where to turn to for advice? Sometimes just hearing from peers can provide the insight that is needed.

That’s why we have created a virtual community where like-minded, philanthropic entrepreneurs can listen in on conversations and be introduced to ideas, challenges and strategies of giving.

We invite you to join our complimentary community where you can learn and be inspired by the philanthropic insights of others.